
Individualism and the Industrial Revolution - Summary.

Individualism and the Industrial Revolution - Summary.

Are you personally sure that you are the one out of eight who would have lived even in the absence of the Industrial Revolution?
6 min read
Conflicto de clases y socialismo revolucionario - Resumen

Conflicto de clases y socialismo revolucionario - Resumen

En su calidad de asalariado, el trabajador no puede determinar lo que se va a hacer. Pero en su calidad de cliente, él es realmente el jefe y le dice a su jefe, al empresario, qué hacer. Su jefe debe obedecer las órdenes de los trabajadores, ya que son miembros del público comprador.
6 min read
Class Conflict and Revolutionary Socialism - Summary.

Class Conflict and Revolutionary Socialism - Summary.

In his capacity as a wage earner, the worker cannot determine what is to be made. But in his capacity as a customer, he is really the boss and tells his boss, the entrepreneur, what to do. His boss must obey the orders of the workers as they are members of the buying public.
6 min read
La mente, el materialismo y el destino del hombre - Un resumen.

La mente, el materialismo y el destino del hombre - Un resumen.

Para explicar las ideas, Marx dijo que las herramientas, las máquinas, las fuerzas productivas materiales, se reflejan en el cerebro de los hombres y de esta manera vienen las ideas. Pero las herramientas y las máquinas son en sí mismas el producto de ideas."
8 min read
¿Por qué tenemos un mundo tan perdido, lleno de odio y violencia?

¿Por qué tenemos un mundo tan perdido, lleno de odio y violencia?

Un corazón sin Cristo, sin la Verdad, siempre será un corazón en conflicto. Una sociedad donde muchos vivan sin tener a Cristo en su corazón, siempre será una sociedad en guerra. Juárez, Chihuahua, México , América y el mundo necesitan escuchar a Jesús antes de que sea demasiado tarde para muchos.
4 min read
CRISTO Y LA CULTURA POP: una reflexión breve sobre el llamado de Dios.

CRISTO Y LA CULTURA POP: una reflexión breve sobre el llamado de Dios.

Jesús nos habla constantemente, aún en los lugares menos esperados.
2 min read
"That these United Colonies are...Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown"

"That these United Colonies are...Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown"

Inflation is a policy whereby the government increases the money supply to further supplement their spending without affecting the number of dollars Americans take home at the end of the week.
4 min read
The Choice of Men in an Eternal Plan.

The Choice of Men in an Eternal Plan.

The sin of Adam had one significant effect that takes place over time. The consequences of sin are temporal as we are temporal. Human generations require time; God does not. The effects of sin were placed on God or his plan but on Adam and his descendants.
4 min read
Privacy: a 4-digit pin!

Privacy: a 4-digit pin!

In a world where privacy has become nothing but a 4-digit pin, public approval has become the cornerstone of much of what we do, and it is slowly destroying the beauty of much of what we can experience and create.
2 min read
Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

To love God is to love that person God has so graciously put before me that I may humble myself and give testimony to the love of Christ by loving them no matter the difficulty.
4 min read