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Abandonando el Idealismo Hegeliano!

Abandonando el Idealismo Hegeliano!

Es importante reconocer que cuando el filosofo establece sus posiciones metafísicas y establece no solamente ”que es la verdad” pero
1 min read

Introducción Lógica Categórica

‌ Introducción: La lógica categórica nos viene de una manera sistemática desde la Grecia antigua en los trabajos de Aristóteles conocidos
17 min read
¿Que Es la Inflación y Por Que Cuestan Mas las Cosas?

¿Que Es la Inflación y Por Que Cuestan Mas las Cosas?

Por que destruir la moneda nacional? Bueno, esta ya es una pregunta sobre la honestidad y virtud de nuestros lideres y sobre su ambición por poder politico. Pero una cosa siempre será verdad, no existe una comida gratis. Y quien promete dar al costo de otros no es generoso si no un ladrón.
3 min read
Summary: Lecture 5, Marxism Unmasked. Marxism and The Manipulation of Man.

Summary: Lecture 5, Marxism Unmasked. Marxism and The Manipulation of Man.

Behaviorism is a notion quite familiar to Marxist writers who often make use of Ivan Pavlov's work. The theory here considers humans, at least those not in power, to be no different than animals. Humans are subject to the laws of conditioning used to train animals.
4 min read
La Pedagogía Lúdica

La Pedagogía Lúdica

La pedagogía lúdica (mi énfasis) toma a lo infantil como algo que ya vale en sí (an sich), lo entrega así a los niños y les rebaja la seriedad y a sí misma en forma infantil, menospreciada por los niños mismos.
5 min read
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudæorum

Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudæorum

Jesus debió sufrir como hombre. Si Jesus no es hombre, el hombre no es perdonado. La paga del pecado no es solamente corporal, sino espiritual. Si Jesus no toma la copa de ira de Dios por nosotros, no somos perdonados.
4 min read
Review of the Introduction to Sander's "It's okay to be angry about Capitalism."

Review of the Introduction to Sander's "It's okay to be angry about Capitalism."

The issue is whether economic equality [equity as it has been coined] is compatible with freedom. The short answer is no. One cannot allow people to carry out their free will without allowing at the same time for those willing to do more to live better than others.
4 min read
Summary of Marxism Unmasked Lecture seven: Money, Interest, and the Business Cycle.

Summary of Marxism Unmasked Lecture seven: Money, Interest, and the Business Cycle.

The seventh lecture in Mises's series on Marxism covers the general idea that is widely accepted today that
4 min read
Of Man and Woman, the Ethical and Soren Kierkegaard.

Of Man and Woman, the Ethical and Soren Kierkegaard.

That is why [...] it does not say in the scriptures that the maiden shall leave father and mother and cleave unto her husband, ... it says, 'A man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife,' for inasmuch as she give him finiteness she is stronger than he.
2 min read
Small talk: Truth and Realism.

Small talk: Truth and Realism.

“you will never be able to say that [truth] belongs particularly to you or to me or any man, for it is available and offers itself to be shared by all who discern things immutably true." —St. Augustine.
4 min read